🦜 Try the dApp!

📅 Last Update 19 August


In this video, we explain the concept of the pilot, how we planned it and implemented it.

About this project

GoodCollective started as a pilot project aimed at deploying direct payments to verified climate stewards. The Climate Collective funded this work as a proof of concept to illustrate the power of a multi-stakeholder climate ecosystem leveraging emerging technology to deliver scalable, verifiable climate impact that directly benefitted local climate stewards (rather than solely intermediaries and project developers). GoodDollar contributed significant in-kind resources across their product, technology, media and data teams to make this work possible.

📄 **Project brief** - An early description of the project that led to GoodCollective.

📰 GoodDollar’s announcement of GoodCollective

Pilot-specific Documentation

🏗️ **Pilot Design** - The original design (and hypotheses) that drove our pilot. An overview of the pilot with our partners in Brazil, DeTrash, and Kenya, Silvi. It includes the pilot structure, recipient description, incentive structure and deployment details for each one of the pilots.

👛 Project Accounting - All project accounting administration, including detailed accounting for the Neduc/Detrash pilot (which was administered manually).



Below you’ll find helpful guides, lessons learned, templates and tools from our pilot. These are intended to support any organization hoping to apply the concepts and learnings of this pilot to their own product or operations AND to any organizations interested in starting a GoodCollective in the future.

If you’re a specific project interested in starting a GoodCollective to support your local partner stewards, please reach out here!

🥦 More about GoodCollectives

Lessons Learned

Partner Selection checklist

Incentive Design Considerations

Payments Administration Considerations

Requirements for prospective GoodCollectives

Tech Tools

**Integration Architecture Flowchart** - The flowchart shows the integration architecture for automated and semi-automated payments, leveraging a partner’s dMRV tech and an NFT as a trigger for a smart contract with payment approval and disbursement logic.

NFT Architecture / Standard - See the NFT framework we created. It was designed to accommodate various dMRV methodologies and approaches.

**Smart Contract Repository and SDK -** GoodCollective codebase and bug tracking.


Except where otherwise noted, all work included in this Toolkit is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.