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How new GoodCollectives are started:

  1. Start a GoodCollective: A new GoodCollective is set up (on the back-end) for each project or measurement type (IE methodology). While anybody can create and deploy a Collective using our SDK, to be featured in our dApp a member of the GoodCollective team must review and confirm the partner’s methodology. Interested community groups and project developers may contact us here.
    1. Note - for the non-technical: fill the form above and we’ll help :)
  2. GoodCollective Smart Contract: Payment amount per activity and maximum thresholds are written into a GoodCollective-specific Smart Contract.
  3. Initial Contract Funding: A donor will fund the contract to kick-start the new collective OR a new collective can be created and funded later (through donations in the dApp or other).
  4. 1 Activity = 1 NFT: Partners mint an NFT each time an activity is performed and verified, using their own tech and smart contract.
  5. NFT triggers GoodDollar Smart Contract: That NFT is submitted to the GoodDollar Smart Contract, which, if terms are met, executes a payment on the Celo blockchain directly to the wallet address supplied in the NFT.
  6. The GoodCollective dApp displays the activity of these smart contracts and NFTs, and allows contributions to the Good Dollar smart contract.